Saturday, March 20, 2010

The commuting starts!

As was expected, the weather opened up a window to all a few days of commuting. I believe I had mentioned in an earlier post that this year, the bike felt as if I had never taken a 3 month hiatus. I still had the same feeling that first morning. As I was riding in, I noticed that there seemed to be a lot of traffic that morning but then realized that no, it felt that way because I was not in a car. So I fired up my internal "car prediction" system and started to create scenarios of what the cars around me could do and what I needed to do in order to react. Low and behold, idiot number one appeared from an on ramp next to me and proceeded to merge on me without even a signal. I was mid vehicle when the truck(a new silver, Chevy silverado) started to cross the lane so I sped up in order to avoid being hit. I couldn't believe it, the first commute and the first idiot instance of the year at the same time. The fact that he/she, or idiot covers both, did not even use the signal tells me that there was no real effort to look either. It was dark, and I was on the left side of my lane, you cannot tell me my lights were not visible to somebody looking around. Anyway, it goes to show that you always need to keep your senses sharp at all times.
No encounters on the second day but true to Nebraska tradition it was 65 degrees and snowed the next day.

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